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myWeekly Ad® Deals

Getting your in-store deals

myWeekly Ad® deals are only valid for the myCVS® store you selected. They are not valid online.

If you'd like to see personalized offers for another location, just change your store preference.

Learning more about the deal

Click through the Deal Details link for important information on each offer, including a list of all eligible products and valid dates.

Checking back for new offers

myWeekly Ad® is updated every week. Visit the site before every in-store shopping trip to get the most savings. And subscribe to email notifications to find out when new offers are available.

Combining manufacturer or store coupons with deals

You can combine a manufacturer or store coupon with your deals, subject to terms and conditions of each coupon. Visit our coupon help section to see our coupon policy.

Using ExtraCare® Savings & Rewards offers

You can use your savings & rewards at any CVS/pharmacy® location. Offers sent to your card are available immediately.

Most Popular Questions

Deals on Things You Buy highlights current sales on products you purchase frequently. We use the purchase history tied to your ExtraCare® card to understand what you purchase and, in turn, what you might want to save on.

Yes. Your personal version of myWeekly Ad® is based on your purchase history, and it's organized so you can easily find — and save more on — the things you actually use.

 Every week. Visit the site before every in-store shopping trip to get the most savings. And subscribe to email notifications to find out when new offers are available.