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Cold Sore Lip Balm

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Cold Sore Lip Balm 

Although cold sores can be unsightly and painful, using a cold sore lip balm may make the discomfort easier to bear. There are flavored lip balms, ointments and medicated salves that contain ingredients to help protect and relieve pain while your cold sore heals.  

What are the Best Cold Sore Lip Balm Brands?

Can Lip Balm Cure a Cold Sore?

There's currently no cure for the cold sore virus. Once you develop a cold sore, the virus stays in your body even when the cold sore has disappeared. Many adults even carry the virus without ever displaying symptoms. While a lip balm won't cure cold sores, using a nourishing lip balm, such as Neosporin Lip Health Overnight Renewal Therapy and Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment, may help relieve the painful cracking that can occur as the cold sore scabs over.  

What Is the Best Lip Balm for Cold Sores?

Dry, chapped lips can crack and bleed, which could prolong the healing time of cold sores. Choosing a moisture-based cold sore lip balm, such as those containing an emollient or protectant, may help lips retain moisture to ease the dryness that can occur with cold sores. Anti-cold-sore lip balms, including Blistex Medicated Lip Balm and Carmex Classic Medicated Lip Balm, may also contain sunscreen to help prevent dryness from UV exposure and analgesics, such as menthol and camphor, to help provide a cooling sensation. 

Should I Use Lip Balm On A Cold Sore?

Lip balm may help relieve symptoms of a cold sore, so you may gently apply a product to the lips regularly to prevent them from drying out, taking care not to aggravate the cold sore as it scabs over. Never pick the scabs on cold sores or attempt to pop the blisters. Don't share your cold sore lip balm with others as cold sores are highly contagious, and you risk spreading the virus. Wash your hands after using cold sore lip balm.  

If you’re concerned that your cold sores have spread to other parts of your body, or you experience more severe symptoms, such as headache, fever or sore throat, consult your doctor.