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Allergy season for older adults: how a Medicare Advantage benefit can help

As you age, allergy symptoms may hit harder. Stock up on helpful supplies with your over-the-counter (OTC) card.

Published: February 15, 2024 |5 minute read

Written by: Christina Frank

An illustration of a vase of flowers. Pill bottles, sprays and blister packs emerge from some of the flowers.

It’s lovely to be outside in the spring, summer and fall. But seasonal allergies can mean runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing. They tend to strike when pollen concentrations are high and you’re out and about, enjoying the weather.1

These allergy symptoms may feel worse as you get older.2 So you’ll probably reach for your tried-and-true relief support products — cough medicine, allergy pills and nasal sprays. The good news? Your Medicare Advantage over-the-counter (MA OTC) benefit may help to get some items at no cost to you.

Discover more about the OTC benefit and how to use it at CVS® stores. Read on for tips on how to weather allergy season a little more smoothly.

In this article:

Seasonal allergy symptoms

Pollen can trigger the release of histamines — molecules that send messages between cells, including the immune system. While allergens like pollen are harmless on their own, the immune system can go a little haywire in reacting to them. That leads to symptoms that make going outside a headache — sometimes literally.3

The symptoms of a pollen allergy can include:4

  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Congestion
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Stuffy nose

Allergies as you age

The immune system changes with age.5 This is why some people may develop an allergy for the first time in later years. For others who’ve had seasonal allergies for a while, symptoms may become more severe.6 Having other health conditions can also contribute to allergies hitting you harder.7

It’s important to talk with your health care provider about any changes in your allergy symptoms and to make sure that products you use are still a good fit.*

Help manage allergies with OTC benefits

You’ve got a few tools to help manage allergy symptoms. The first is to avoid triggers that make you sniffle. Limit outdoor activities and keep windows closed during peak allergy seasons, which are typically from April to June and around mid-September in most of the U.S.8 It may also help to vacuum regularly with a high-efficiency particle absorbing (HEPA) filter and use an air-cleaning device with HEPA filtration.9

These measures may not eliminate the problem. But many OTC medications can address symptoms — and they may be covered by your OTC benefit. Before you start any new OTC products, however, be sure to consult with a health care provider. The OTC medications include:

Oral antihistamines.

They work by blocking the effects of histamines in your body.10 Look for the OTC antihistamines included in your plan that have ingredients like cetirizine or loratadine.11 Be sure to read through the side effects, as some antihistamines can cause drowsiness.


Decongestants can provide relief.12 Keep in mind that decongestants can be dangerous for people with high blood pressure, thyroid disease or glaucoma. Check with a health care provider before using any medication containing a decongestant.13

Nasal sprays.

Antihistamines, decongestants and corticosteroids are available in the form of nasal sprays. There is also some evidence that a nasal saline rinse, which flushes pollen and mucus from the nasal passages, can help.14 Some decongestant nasal sprays can only be used for a few days, so make sure to read the directions before use.

Eye drops.

Antihistamine eye drops can help reduce the redness and itchiness that come with allergies.15

Before you start using any new OTC products, consult with a health care provider.

How to use MA OTC benefits on allergy medication

To purchase allergy medications with an OTC card, it’s as simple as taking a trip to your local CVS store. Shop for the items you want and check out. Find out everything you need to know about purchasing OTC benefit items at a CVS store.

CVS® makes it easy to redeem OTC benefits

You may be eligible to get select over-the-counter (OTC) products at no additional cost.*

This content is for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Consult your health care provider before taking any vitamins or supplements and prior to beginning or changing any health care practices.