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5 ways to achieve total body health

Read on for five things everyone should know about improving overall health.

a man enjoying spending time with his dog and daughter
  1. Approach your health care holistically.

    Enlisting a team of experts who work together on your behalf can go a long way toward helping you achieve your health ambitions and maintain total-body health. A nutritionist or health coach, for example, may be able to help you lose that last bit of weight, while a licensed mental health professional could give you strategies to cope with a major life change, such as retirement.

    It’s not uncommon for specialists to join forces to provide members with holistic care. Keep in mind that you can also seek out experts via convenient digital tools, like wellness apps and live chatting with physicians or counselors. Telehealth, for example, allows you to video chat with doctors using a computer or smartphone. Check if such health tools are covered under your insurance plan.

  2. Make preventative care a priority.

    Chances are, you already know that staying up to date on routine exams, vaccinations and checkups is crucial for good health. Not only does it help prevent illness if you’re healthy, it also keeps the disease from getting worse if you’re already sick. The trick is to take that knowledge and make sure you act on it. It’s all too easy to put off an annual exam, especially if you feel healthy.

    There are plenty of ways to be more proactive about wellness. Here are a few tips to help get you started:

    • Schedule annual checkups around the same time every year. Choose an easy-to-remember date like a birthday or an anniversary.
    • Find a workout buddy who will hold you accountable to a regular workout regime.
    • Focus on creating a daily routine that includes exercise, healthy meals, relaxation and sleep.
    • Research which preventative benefits your insurance company offers and be sure to use them.
  3. Build a trusting relationship with your health care provider.

    Trust is important in any relationship, especially the one you have with your health care provider. It’s wonderful to have a service provider who will go the extra mile for you, but even if you don’t have a favorite doctor on speed dial, there are still steps you can take to ensure that you develop a great relationship with your health care provider.

    First, make sure that you are communicating effectively with your doctors. Try writing down any questions you have ahead of time and speaking up if you don’t understand something said during the visit. If you feel like your provider isn’t the right fit, consider finding someone who is.

  4. Make time for your own health.

    Putting your health at the top of your to-do list can be tough, especially if you’re a caregiver. But carving out time to tend to your own physical and mental needs can benefit you and your loved ones. If you’re having trouble striking that balance, consider asking a counselor or health coach for help.

  5. Emotional well-being is as important as physical well-being.

    Intuitively, we all know that mind and body are connected. In order to live your best life, it’s just as important to focus on your emotional well-being as your physical well-being.

    Nurturing your mental health can be as simple as committing to a daily stress-relieving activity, doing a physical activity you love or even practicing gratitude exercises. Whatever your approach, taking the mental health breaks you need is key to maintaining both your emotional and physical well-being.

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