COVID Testing near Bridgeton, MO


Clinic(s) near Bridgeton

Walk-ins are back at MinuteClinic

Walk in at your convenience or schedule an appointment online.

Walk-in visits are subject to availability.
  • 0.0 miles
    12380 St. Charles Rock Road
    Bridgeton, MO 63044
    Available at Pharmacy only
    Health Hub Logo
  • 5.2 miles
    8915 St. Charles Rock Road
    St. John, MO 63114
    Available at Pharmacy only
    Health Hub Logo
  • 5.8 miles
    11560 OLIVE BLVD.
    CREVE COEUR, MO 63141
    Inside CVS Pharmacy
    Health Hub Logo
    4.7 (315 Ratings)
  • 6.2 miles
    1550 S. New Florissant Road
    Florissant, MO 63031
    Available at Pharmacy only
    Health Hub Logo
  • 6.5 miles
    9141 Olive Boulevard
    Olivette, MO 63132
    Available at Pharmacy only
    Health Hub Logo

Who should be tested for COVID-19?

The CDC recommends that anyone: who has symptoms of COVID-19; who has been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19; or who lives in or has recently traveled from an area with ongoing spread of COVID-19, should contact their health care provider and be tested. Check for available times and schedule a COVID test today.

Once you receive negative test results, you can take steps to protect yourself from the virus, including the Delta variant, by getting a COVID-19 vaccine and taking other safety precautions including avoiding crowds and washing your hands often.

Why don't I qualify for testing?

Because of limited supplies and in accordance with CDC guidelines, testing is limited to certain patients.

Is there an out-of-pocket cost for patients with insurance?

Patients with insurance should not have any out-of-pocket costs for a covered COVID-19 test, but you should check with your health plan to confirm before scheduling a test. If you have health insurance, you must bring your card with you to the test site. For patients who test negative for COVID-19 through a rapid test and come into the clinic, the clinic visit should be considered part of your test by your health plan. You likely will not have any out-of-pocket costs for the in-clinic visit, or for testing to further evaluate COVID-like symptoms, but you should check with your health plan to confirm coverage. You will be responsible for any patient cost share as determined by your insurance. If active coverage cannot be located, your test will be submitted to the federal program for the uninsured for payment.

Is there an out-of-pocket cost for patients without insurance?

If you do not have insurance, we will ask you for your Social Security number (card not needed), driver's license or state ID to submit the cost of your test to the federal program for the uninsured. If you do not have insurance and are using the federal program for the uninsured to cover your COVID-19 test, the in-clinic visit will be covered at no additional cost to you; however, any additional point of care lab testing will not be covered under the uninsured fund.

Can I pay for the test instead of submitting to insurance or the uninsured program?

Yes, you can choose to pay for your test with a debit/credit/FSA/HSA card for send-out lab tests only (self-pay is not available in NY, NJ and RI). Self-pay is not available for rapid-result testing at this time. No screening required. The cost is $139, which includes $100 for the independent laboratory that processes your test and $39 for your MinuteClinic visit.

I don't drive. Can I walk in?

For drive-thru lab testing, a motor vehicle is required. Patients must remain in the vehicle at all times. For rapid testing, a vehicle is not required. Wait in one of the designated parking spaces, either in a vehicle or on foot, and wait for the provider to call you for your test. We also offer walk-up testing at a limited number of community testing sites for patients who don't drive. Check the list to find one open near you. Appointments are also required for these sites.
