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HIV pre- or post-exposure treatment (PrEP & nPEP)

The best defense against getting HIV is prevention. Types of prophylaxis to protect yourself include condoms, PrEP and nPEP.

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Need info on HIV PrEP or nPEP treatments? We’ve got you covered.

What are HIV PrEP or nPEP treatments?

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) weakens the immune system by destroying cells that fight infections and diseases. Currently, there’s no cure such as a vaccine. HIV is manageable through medical intervention. Some population groups in the U.S. are more likely to get HIV than others because of factors such as sex partners and high-risk behaviors.

If left untreated, HIV can cause severe complications. A person with HIV must begin antiretroviral therapy (ART) as soon as possible after diagnosis. Early treatment with ART slows the progression of HIV and can keep a patient healthy for many years. Delaying treatment will cause the virus to continue to harm the immune system and develop acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which can be life-threatening.

What are the types of medical prophylaxis for HIV?

There are two types of medical prophylaxis (measures to prevent the transmission of HIV) to protect yourself:

  • PrEP: For people who are at substantial risk of exposure to HIV. To receive the HIV PrEP, you must test negative for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
  • nPEP: For people who were exposed to HIV in the past 72 hours. nPEP is not intended for regular use by persons who may have frequent HIV exposure.

Getting help

MinuteClinic providers can assess if you’re eligible for PrEP or nPEP. They can order and review relevant lab tests. They can also prescribe medication to prevent the transmission of HIV. After this, they can monitor your condition and follow up with more visits.

  1. You may have to answer a few questions about symptoms to help us prepare for your visit prior to scheduling your appointment.
  2. Check-in varies depending on how you scheduled your appointment.

    If you made your appointment online:

    Check in using the email or text message we sent to confirm your appointment. If you prefer to check in using the electronic kiosk, make sure you have your confirmation code.

    If you made your appointment in the clinic:

    Sign in at the electronic kiosk.

    If you made a MinuteClinic Virtual Care appointment:
    To join your virtual visit, use the link in the email or text message we sent you to confirm your appointment. Please join 15 minutes before your scheduled visit time. You will need your date of birth and zip code to join the visit.

  3. When it's time for your appointment, a provider will call your name.
  4. Your provider will conduct a thorough examination based on your reason for visit, presenting symptoms and health history. Charges will be based on examination and services provided during the visit.
  5. At the end of your visit, you are provided with a visit summary, a receipt and educational material about your diagnosis. At your request, we can send your primary care provider information about your visit.

HIV risk factors

HIV transmission occurs only through activities where a person comes into contact with specific body fluids (breast milk, blood, semen, as well as pre-seminal, vaginal and rectal fluids). Most often, people get or transmit HIV through sexual activities or hypodermic needle or syringe use.

In the U.S., HIV spreads mainly through:

  • Engaging in unprotected anal or vaginal sex with an HIV-infected person without using a condom or medicines to prevent HIV.
  • Sharing hypodermic needles and syringes, rinse water or other equipment used to prepare drugs for injection with a person who has HIV. The virus may live in a used needle for up to 42 days.

Though far less common, HIV can also transmit under the following conditions:

  • Mother-to-child transmission can happen during pregnancy, birthing or breastfeeding.
  • Being stuck with an HIV-contaminated needle or other sharp object is a higher risk for health care workers.
  • Oral sex can transmit HIV in extremely rare cases. Generally speaking, there's little to no risk of getting HIV from oral sex unless there is contact with semen or other transmissive bodily fluids. HIV does not spread through saliva.
  • The risk of contracting HIV from receiving contaminated blood transfusions, blood products or organ/tissue transplants, while technically possible, is minimal. This is due to rigorous testing.

HIV prevention

  • Correctly use condoms every time you have sex
  • Limit your number of sexual partners
  • Never share needles
  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
  • Occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (oPEP)
  • Non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (nPEP)
  • Abstinence (not having sex)

If you contract HIV, there are many measures to put into practice and prevent transmission to others, such as treatment with antiretroviral therapy.

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ: This material is for reference only and should not be used to determine treatment for specific medical conditions. Please visit a health care provider for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of any symptoms you may be experiencing. If you're experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 911 or visit your local emergency department.