We’re making prescriptions easier and more affordable
Transfer your Rx in 3 steps
It’s fast and easy to transfer prescriptions from another pharmacy or CVS® location.
Refills when you need them
Automatically fill your prescriptions, or put them all on the same refill schedule.
When it’s time for vaccines, it’s time for CVS®
Pneumonia is more common in the colder months
Pneumonia (pneumococcal) is a lung infection that can be mild or serious enough to warrant a trip to the hospital.* Your best move is to keep up with the recommended vaccines.
Get your prescriptions how and when you need them
Know the moment your prescription is ready
To turn on notifications and alerts, visit your account profile.
Choose same-day delivery when your Rx is ready
Get your prescriptions brought to your door with a CVS account.
Save time and money with a CVS account
Check your scripts on the go
When you add a prescription to your CVS account, you can:
- Check your prescription status
- Refill your prescriptions online
- Get your prescriptions delivered
Support for seniors and caregivers
Help someone with their prescriptions
Caregivers can take care of prescriptions for other people. They can also view pharmacy and health records for children.
A simpler way to explore Medicare plans
With Attain Health™, we can help you pick a plan that makes the most sense for your health and budget.
Find care designed just for older adults
Explore support options for older adults and their unique health and wellness needs.
Discover more ways to support your health
Sick kids at home? We fill their eligible prescriptions first.
We prioritize children's prescriptions* so your little ones can get the medications they need faster.
Recent articles:
Why are generic drugs sometimes less expensive?
Recommendations for vaccines and pregnancy
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*FOR DETAILS ON MOST CVS CUSTOMERS SPEND JUST $10 PER MONTH ON PRESCRIPTIONS: $10 reflects consumer out-of-pocket cost (including treating 90 day prescriptions as three 30 day prescriptions) and does not include the cost of prescription insurance.
*FOR $5 OFF $20 COUPON: Offer available January 8, 2025, through August 10, 2025, while supplies last. Appointments scheduled online will receive the coupon after vaccination. Limit one per customer per vaccine visit. For vaccines that require multiple doses, the coupon will be given with vaccine series completion. Merchandise coupon redeemable at CVS Pharmacy® and Longs Drugs® for one-time use. Terms and conditions apply. See coupon for details. $5 savings applied to total qualifying minimum purchase of $20 (after other coupons and discounts are applied). Reward cannot be earned in Arkansas, New Jersey or New York. Coupon shall not be issued at MinuteClinic® locations in Arkansas, Massachusetts, New Jersey or New York. This offer is solely made by CVS® and not connected with any vaccine manufacturer.
*FOR RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Availability varies by state based on regulations. This is not an all-inclusive list of who should be vaccinated. Age restrictions apply. Available when a certified immunizer is on duty.
*FOR EXTRACARE REWARDS AT THE PHARMACY: You must enroll in the ExtraCare® program and sign the Privacy Authorization to earn ExtraBucks Rewards® for pharmacy activities. You will receive $2 ExtraBucks Rewards when you accumulate 4 credits, up to $50 ExtraBucks Rewards in a calendar year. Rewards at the pharmacy are valid only in the United States and are not available in Arkansas, New Jersey or New York; for any prescriptions transferred to a CVS Pharmacy® in Alabama, Mississippi or Oregon; for any controlled substance prescriptions purchased in Hawaii or Louisiana; or where otherwise prohibited by law. Check terms and conditions for details or ask a CVS® pharmacy team member for a copy.
*FOR PRIORITIZE CHILDREN’S PRESCRIPTIONS: Select pediatric prescriptions only. Refill times vary. State and other restrictions may apply.
*FOR SERIOUS PNEUMONIA WARRANTING HOSPITALIZATION: American Lung Association. Preventing Pneumonia. June 7, 2024. https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/pneumonia/preventing-pneumonia. Accessed August 28, 2024.
*FOR 14 VACCINES: 14 vaccines are no cost with most insurance. Availability varies by state based on regulations. This is not an all-inclusive list of who should be vaccinated. Age restrictions apply. Available when a certified immunizer is on duty.