Walk in Flu Shots in GLEN ALLEN, VA at CVS MinuteClinic


Clinic(s) near GLEN ALLEN

Walk-ins are back at MinuteClinic

Walk in at your convenience or schedule an appointment online.

Walk-in visits are subject to availability.
  • 0.0 miles
    11271 NUCKOLS RD.
    GLEN ALLEN, VA 23059
    Inside CVS Pharmacy
    4.8 (274 Ratings)

Does CVS in GLEN ALLEN, VA offer flu shots?


Flu shots are available at CVS Pharmacy and MinuteClinic locations, including CVS Pharmacy and MinuteClinic locations found in Target, every day, including evenings and weekends. Schedule your flu shot ahead of time so you can get in and out faster. Provide your insurance information and answer questions online ahead of time. Shop cold and flu and stay prepared this cold and flu season with immunity support products and more.
