
Wood Photo Prints

Looking for the perfect wall decor for your contemporary living space? With Wood Wall Panels from CVS Photo, you can make a favorite picture into a work of art that will perfectly complement your modern interior.

Wood Photo Prints Are A Mod Way to Show off a Photograph

Wood Wall Panels are a sleek alternative to traditional framed photograph. The image that you select is printed on real wood and then given a UV-resistant, scratch-free high-gloss finish to preserve the image. Along the edges, a thin, solid-black border adds a touch of polish and draws the eye to your photo.

Wood Wall Panels are Ready to Hang on Arrival

With Wood Wall Panels, you won't have to spend hours getting your custom wall art hung on the wall. The panels are drilled prior to shipping, making it easy to mount the wood prints on the wall with a nail or screw. You can choose from portrait or landscape prints in five different sizes to perfectly suit your available wall space.

Create Your Wood Wall Panel Today

You can create Wood Wall Panels at CVS Photo in a matter of minutes. Import one or more photos from your computer or add pictures directly from Google, Facebook, Flickr or Instagram. Edit the photos as you see fit and select layouts, designs and backgrounds. Add any embellishments that you desire, and you're ready to order. Start designing your Wood Wall Panels for your own home or to give as a personalized photo gift for a special occasion.

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